Reducing trade costs is essential for economies to effectively use trade as an engine of growth and sustainable development. Trade facilitation plays a pivotal role in reducing trade costs, on top of existing efforts to dismantle tariff and non-tariff barriers and enhance physical connectivity.
Mentioned below is a collection of resources that would help any country in its efforts to advance trade facilitation including digital trade facilitation. Please let us know if you know about any other relevant resource(s) that can be linked on this page.
Incoterms® 2020 vs 2010: What’s changed? The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) reviews and updates the Incoterms® rules every ten years – the previous edition was published in 2010. The changes made in this latest edition – the ICC’s Incoterms® 2020 –address, amongst other things, increased security requirements, improved clarity on cost allocation as well as tackling insurance concerns.
Single Window Implementation Toolkit for Trade Facilitation (UNNExT/ UNESCAP)
WCO Instruments for Single WIndow Implementation
Guidelines for Single Window Implementation in Africa
How To Request Technical Cooperation from UNCTAD
A member State of UNCTAD or a regional institution wishing to obtain technical cooperation from UNCTAD secretariat should submit a formal request as referred to in this link.
Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation: UN Global Report 2019
Making the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Work for SMEs
Indicators for Trade Facilitation: A Handbook
Impact of implementation of digital trade facilitation on trade costs (Working Paper), Yann Duval, et al
Next-generation Trade Facilitation for Asian Integration: Cross-border Paperless Trade (Article), Yan Dival, et al
South-South Digital Cooperation for Industrialization: A Regional Integration Agenda (UNCTAD publication, 2018) This paper proposes a ten-point South-South digital cooperation agenda which can help the developing countries to build their digital capacities and digital skills.
Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation in CAREC (Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation) Countries - Results of the UN Global Survey 2017
Global Trade Helpdesk - Discover a world of trade opportunities in one place with detailed information about imports, market dynamics, tariffs, regulatory requirements, potential buyers and more.
e Ping - track product requirements in export markets.
Cross-border Paperless Trade Database Beta version
TINA (Trade Intelligence and Negotiation Adviser) - TINA helps UNESCAP Member States with the negotiation of trade agreements by providing insights into current tariffs, agreements and bilateral trade flows, as well as identifying commodities to negotiate better tariffs on.
UN Global Survey on Trade Facilitation and Paperless Trade Implementation
UNNExt Trade Process Analysis Database (TPAD)
ESCAP-World Bank Trade Cost Database
Trade Facilitation Agreement Database
Trade Facilitation Data Dashboard.